Big Picture Reason to get Shredded (or just healthy)!

I am choosing to get shredded! Reasons to get SHREDDED (or just healthier):

“A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” We are all inter-related, the action of one person effects the lives of everyone else. Have you ever noticed that when you spend time with a person who at that moment is happier than you, you become happier? Or when you are with a highly enthusiastic person, you become more enthusiastic? This is always occurring  regardless of scale. You being happier makes the rest of the world a little happier. You being negative make the rest of the world a little more negative. Although we are all physically separate, we are all connected to each other. Cells in our body are all separate, yet they all work together to create the larger system, YOU.

I was reading my physiology textbook one day, and came upon the concept of diffusion. The textbook explained that  each individual particle has the capability of moving to any location it wants, at any given time. To us humans, we might consider this “free will.” Even though the particles have free will, they ALWAYS choose to move to the less concentrated area, to promote homeostasis. I thought about this, and drew a parallel to us as a species. Although we have free will, and are able to make our own decisions about anything and everything, we will always “choose” to do what is best for the homeostasis of whatever is above us on the scale. Just as cells freely move to where is best for the organism they make up, we will move to where is best for whatever it is we make up, on a larger scale.

The more unhealthy and/or overweight people exist on this planet, the more unhealthy/overweight we are as a species. The more healthy each of us can be as an individual, the more we can counteract those who negatively effect our health. As referenced in Habits are Easy, this generates a snowball effect. The more people get healthy, the more momentum is generated for others to do the same. The more momentum we have, the easier it is to overcome the state of unhealthiness we are facing. Getting healthier helps our entire species!

Here is what I mean by becoming physically healthier: chinupbar

-Forging the body through resistance training (anything that puts a positive strain on your body, causing it to adapt, making you stronger/faster/flexible/more efficient etc).

-Eating what your body wants and works best with.

Why become physically healthier? I will list the larger, personal benefits I have experienced as a result of resistance training and proper diet:

-Greater ease in everyday movement (as I am stronger, more flexible and can adapt to strain better)

-A more clear state of mind, which in turn makes everything else much easier to do, and allows for more creativity and problem solving abilities

-A deeper sense of peace with myself and my life

-Increase in mental health and spiritual connection (being able to better be guided by that which is within me). Again, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

You can imagine how each of these benefits provides even further positive attributes to your life. For example, greater ease in movement allows you to physically get more things done, and faster. A clearer mind state allows you to better understand how you function and how you can use your thoughts to achieve whatever you want. A deeper sense of peace allows you to take things in one at a time, positively, thereby moving through life much more smoothly and enjoyably. You create a more positive relationship with yourself and with other people. A deeper connection to your spirit, however, is the most formidable reason to be more physically healthy. The connection to spirit is your doorway to the infinite, to becoming the best you can be at anything and everything. Intro to Spirit and Motive goes into depth on this subject.

In conclusion, being physically healthy not only tremendously increases your own quality of life, but you also help the entire world become a little bit more positive. The best thing you can do for others, is to work on yourself! This is not to say that being selfish and repelling others is the way to go. What I mean by this is that when you better yourself and become more positive, you effect the quality of life of everyone around you as well. People become more receptive to you, and more positive, like you. You help others by going through things they must go through. For example, if you become more compassionate towards yourself, you become more compassionate towards others. In turn, this helps others become more compassionate with themselves and others as well! We again eventually see a snowball effect! Now get out there and get healthy and positive for yourself, for me, and for everyone you know!

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